
Showing posts from January, 2020

Cosmetic Procedures: Scars"GLOBEL MEDIA"

Cosmetic Procedures: Scars Skin  is a seamless organ, like a fine cloth protecting valuable assets. Imagine a piece of silk. Just one small tear can make a big difference in how it looks. And it's the same with  skin . Any burn, injury, or other trauma, such as surgery, can cause a scar. Now a scar isn't bad if it's small or in a location that's easy to conceal. But when it's not, you may wonder if there's a way to treat it, other than hiding it under your clothes, that will make it go away or at least change how it looks. The truth is the scar will never completely go away. But there are some methods that can help reduce its size and change its appearance. What Are The Types of Scars? These are several different types of scars including: Keloid scars.  These scars are the result of an overly aggressive healing process. They extend beyond the original injury. Over time, a keloid scar may hamper movement. Treatments include surgery to remove the sc...

The Best Ways to Burn Fat Fast

The Be st Ways to Burn Fat Fast Strength training has been shown to increase resting energy expenditure and reduce belly fat, especially when combined with aerobic exercise. Eating more protein may be associated with a lower risk of belly fat. Increasing your protein intake can decrease appetite, lower calorie intake and preserve muscle mass. Coffee contains caffeine, which can increase the breakdown of fat and raise metabolism. Studies show that higher caffeine intake may be associated with greater weight loss. Getting enough sleep may be associated with decreased appetite and hunger, as well as a lower risk of weight gain. Vinegar may help increase feelings of fullness, decrease calorie intake and lower body fat. Fat is digested slowly, so eating it can help reduce appetite. A higher intake of healthy fats is associated with a lower risk of weight gain and decreased belly fat. Sugar-sweetened beverages and alcoholic drinks may be associated with a ...

How Much Exercise Should I Do?/GLOBAL MEDIA

How Much Exercise Should I Do? Start with just a few minutes of exercise at a time. Any exercise is better than none, and that helps your body slowly get used to being active. Your goal is to work up to at least a half an hour most days of the week to get the full benefits from exercise. If it's more convenient, you can do short spurts -- 10 minutes here, 15 minutes there. Each action by itself may not seem like much, but  they add up. Once you’re in better shape, you can gradually exercise for longer periods of time and do more strenuous activities. When you’re up for it, you can ramp up the intensity and get the same benefits in half the time. For example,   jogging   for 30 minutes provides health benefits similar to walking for 60 minutes. What Kind of Exercise Should I Do? You can do anything that makes your  heart  and  lungs  work harder, such as walking, biking, jogging,  swimming , fitness classes, or...